And behold, one of those who were with Jesus
stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck the servant of the high
priest and cut off his ear. Then Jesus
said to him, “Put
your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the
sword. Do you think that I cannot
appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of
angels? But how
then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?”
does not mandate pacifism in this passage, which clearly speaks specifically to
His situation in the context of the narrative: i.e., that to rescue Jesus with
violence would be wrong because Scripture could not then be fulfilled. But there is more to these words of Christ
than their context in the Passion narrative; this saying is a commandment not
only applicable to the disciple but to the Church. John's Gospel reveals that the swordsman was
none other than Peter, who typifies the Church with His confession "You
are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!" that is the rock on which
Jesus promised to build His Church.
Thus, the Church today must be careful to take heed of this commandment
and its implications for our lives as Christians in this world.
commandment is this: simply, that the Church must not attempt to defend their Lord
with violence. For although Christ's
body is not under threat now in the same sense it was in the Garden of
Gethsemane, His name is blasphemed throughout the earth, spat upon by those who
hate Him and His Church. Mockery outside
the Church blasphemes the name of Christ, heresy blasphemes Him from within,
and sin both inside and outside saddens and offends against our Lord. But Christ makes it clear that, although the
world's sin against Him is great, that the Church is not to restrain or punish
offenders against Him with force and violence.
Jesus has satisfied the wrath of God with His own blood, spilled violently upon
the cross, and demands no more sacrifice but is full of mercy. We are saved by the grace of God through
Christ, and cannot find God's favor in our works on His behalf, nor can we
satisfy His wrath by restraining the evildoer, for His wrath has already been
satisfied. Although sin certainly saddens
God, we are not called to subdue the sinner with coercion, which would sadden
Him even more. As Jesus reminded Peter
that He was perfectly capable of defending Himself, so He also reminds us today
that vengeance against the evildoer is His responsibility, not ours, and that
if the Church resolves to use violence, it will surely be a victim of the same,
for "All who take the sword will perish by the sword." Therefore, when we hear people mock Christ or
see them engage in immorality, we should not try to silence or stop them but
instead engage them, pray for them, and trust God to deal with them justly.
is an especially relevant commandment for today's American Church, in which the
controversies tied up in the so-called "culture wars" have created
great divisions within and without the Body of Christ. The problem with the culture wars is not the
opposition of various ideas and principles (as if debate was a bad thing) but
the use of force on the part of Christians and the Church in order to defend
the name of Christ and advance His kingdom by regulating immoral behavior. Simply, the more literally that
"combatants" take the term "culture wars," the worse they
are going to get. Of course, there are
not many Christians who prowl the streets looking for sinners to restrain by
force. But when the Church appeals to
the government to do the same - to make certain behaviors, substances, or types
of speech illegal - they violate this command of Christ by proxy, since they
themselves do not use violence but rather encourage others to use it for their
ends. For laws are by nature coercive,
and when the government passes a law, it includes the threat of violence as a
punishment for breaking that law. When
the Church, then, attempts to influence the government to pass laws restricting
immoral behavior, it becomes complicit in the use of violence against
sinners. When the Church acts in this
way, it becomes no different from the Pharisees, who had to be stopped by Jesus
from stoning the woman caught in adultery (John 8).
all Christians are soldiers of Christ and members of His Kingdom, but the
Kingdom of God does not come by forceful behavior modification. Rather, Jesus has inaugurated a Kingdom that
comes through Word and Sacrament in the vessel of the Church, the true Body of
Christ here on earth. The proper response
to the depravity of our culture is not for the Church to appeal to the government,
a coercive institution, but simply to preach
the Word, for in Scripture, Christ Himself speaks to us, and the Holy
Spirit comes in power to work faith in the hearts of men and to "call,
gather, enlighten, and sanctify" the Church and its members (Luther's Small Catechism). This is the
subversive reality of the Kingdom of God: that its weapons are not guns and
grenades, but "the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God"
(Ephesians 6:17), the drowning of baptism for the forgiveness of sins, and the
body and blood broken and shed for us in the Lord's Supper. Although He has prohibited violence, Jesus
has not left Himself and His Church defenseless. Let we believers, then, truly wage Spiritual
warfare, not according to the principles of this world, but according to
Christ, who leads His people into battle armed with the power of the Holy
Spirit in Word and Sacrament.
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